Welcome to the Shire
Exploring the past with our friends


Flight Night
Arts and Crafts  Gathering and Fighter Practice

Monday Nights 6-9 PM 

Check our Facebook Page or Discord for Locations and Dates

Business Meeting

1st Flight Night of the Month! 

What do we do?

For over 55 Years the SCA has been bringing history to life through activities and events including: 

Adventure Awaits

We are a chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism in the Kingdom of Artemisia, located in and about Utah County, Utah. The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international organization dedicated to researching and re-creating pre-17th-century history. The SCA is a non-profit educational organization membership is open to all who are interested in the Middle Ages. 

Get the Latest Updates and Announcements


In addition to our weekly and monthly meetings, the Shire holds larger events several times yearly. These include: 

Mystery Event (February)

Castle Crusade (May)

Toys for Tots (November)

Check out our Kingdom's  Calendar for more events and activities.

How do I join the Shire? 

Participating with the Shire is as easy as showing up to one of our practices or meetings but here are some easy steps to get involved. 

*membership is not required to participate in Shire activities, but it helps support our organization to make it so we can do the awesome things we do. 

Like our Facebook Page or Join our Facebook Group

Recommend Someone for a F.L.T.C.H 

Let us know who you think should be recognized by Arrow's Flight

Recommend Your Friends 

Land Acknowledgment 

The Shire of Arrow's Flight recognizes that the areas and territories represented by the Shire in the modern day have been the historical and sacred territory of the Timpanogos Newe(Shoshone), Nuciu (Ute) Peoples, Numa (Northern Paiute) Peoples, and the Diné(Navajo). As the Society for Creative Anachronism recognizes the history of all peoples around the world, we, the Shire of Arrow's Flight, acknowledge that the history of these peoples impacts us today, and their stories should be told as well. 

Disclaimer: This is the internet website for the Provo, Utah chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism, known as the Shire of Arrows’ Flight. This website is intended for the use of members of the SCA and other persons who would like to contact the SCA in the Utah County area for SCA business only. It does not represent the official policy or opinion of the SCA or the Shire of Arrows’ Flight.*
*See Sigmundr. We fixed it.